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Blessings' Cheerful Grant

This is a specific grant for supporting the full-time ministers in mainland China.It is a living allowance. The purpose is to express our support through finance and prayerto encourage the ministers serving in China and facing difficult situations.

The followings are requirements for applicants:

(1)   The minister should be clearly born again and called by the Lord into full-time ministry. He/She should believe the doctrine of biblical inerrancy, belong to a house church,and have difficulty in paying the expenses of his/her family.

(2)   The minister should understand and identify with the vision of BCMF and emphasize the relationship between faith and culture in ministry.He/She should teach the congregation about the importance of cultural mission and encourage the believers to witness in their own field.

The fund for this grant mainly comes from designated donation.

The term is one year/application. The amount of grant is RMB1000-2000.00/month.

This grant is distributed by an executive coworker entrusted by BCMF in China.