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Our Philosophy of Cultivation

The Blessings Seminarian Scholarship was established in 1996 with the vision of cultivating qualified servants of God to minister in the field of cultural mission. We call them the “Blessings family members.”

From Jesus’ teachings of the faithful servant (Matt 24:45–47; 25:20–23), we established the following four guidelines as our goal of cultivation.

Being Vigilant, Praying without ceasing

Any achievement that brings about everlasting blessings can only be accomplished through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we recognize the absolute importance of prayer and encourage the Blessings family members to carry out all ministries in prayer.

Being Godly, Living out a devout life

God is holy. The servants of the Lord must reflect His glory in daily life and work. Therefore, we stress integrity and truthfulness, encouraging the Blessings family members to treat each other with sincerity and honesty.

Being Faithful, Serving God wisely and diligently

It is only proper to wisely appropriate God-given resources and maximize their usefulness. Therefore, we emphasize the attitude of responsibility in doing even the seemingly insignificant job, encouraging Blessings family members to do everything with all their strengths.

Being insightful, Having acute perception of the world

Christians are battling against the gods of the world. Therefore, we encourage the Blessings family members to keep up with the ethos of the times and be familiar with new technologies in order to minister effectively.

Our Ways of Implementation

The Blessings seminarians studied at different schools. During the school years, besides the financial support our staff try our best to support them. We keep close contact with them and pray for them constantly. The President of BCMF visits them from time to time. Each student is required to write family letter per month to share their situation.

We hold to the following principles to nurture and care the seminarians:

       1. Spiritual guidance:Building strong relationship and providing spiritual counselling whenever needed.

       2. Strong family:Emphasizing the importance of family by concerning about husband-wife and parent-child relationships.

       3. Serving example:Both the President and Board directors setting examples of serving the Lord and sharing their experiences.

       4. Mentorship:Encouraging the graduates to become mentor-companion of the younger seminarians in their school years.

After graduation we continue to keep contact with them, showing our care and praying for them. At the end of each year we invite all graduates and seminarians to write annual thanksgiving letters and edit them into a beautiful e-book. All these effort help keep the long-term relationship of the Blessings family.

Visitations of BF Family Members by President Rev. Chen